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Suggestions For A Good Leader

To become a good leader does not hurt to run some of the following suggestions:

1.Set a clear direction, a leader must be able to arrange the itinerary for travel in the future. If you can not develop in that direction, you are just a manager not a leader.

2.Create a culture based on innovation and cooperation.

3.Stay focused and simple.

4.Respect your customers.

5.Recruit the best people, because the biggest asset is your staff.

6.Treat employees like customers.

7.Commitment to diversity and social responsibility. Do something for the community around.

8.Make technology your friend, use to create new products, new distribution channels and improve communications.

9.To grow future leaders, leadership development observe every employee who works in a team.

10.Leading by the example. Cultivate your customers and employees who maintain the customer, the benefits will be maintained by itself.

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