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Make Foot Heel More Subtle

KOMPAS.com - You don’t feel confident when wear lace-up shoes, because the heel of your foot rough and cracked? Skin conditions that are cracked like this is troublesome, because dust easily attached and make legs look black. As a result, you should wear shoes more often closed, or wearing socks, to cover these rough heels.

In addition to using the lotion, is there a way to "juggle" the rough surface of the foot becomes more subtle?
Dry surface of the skin on the soles and heels are cracked frequent complaints in each individual. Not only women but also men. To resolve this complaint, try to conduct regular foot care.

Here are the ingredients that can be followed, so that your ankle can come back pretty:

* Grated coconut (use at least 1 / 2 coconuts).
* 1 teaspoon salt.

How to use:
1. Mix the grated coconut with salt and spread on the feet that are in clean condition.
2. Rub mixture on all parts of the heel, do on each heel for 5 minutes.
3. Rinse feet thoroughly. For maximum results, do it every other day before bed.
4. For the daily maintenance before sleep, you can put foot care cream. Such creams are enriched with ingredients that can moisturize the skin. Apply this cream on the heels of a rough and be sure to completely absorb perfectly into the skin surface. Do it every two times a day on a regular basis.


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